Board Role & Rules

Qualities of an Effective Board Member

  • Aware of Fiduciary Responsibility
  • Good character
  • Strong Integrity
  • Objective judgment
  • Good work ethic
  • Relevant experience and background
  • Previous volunteer service
  • Strong interpersonal skills
  • Strong communication skills  

To be successful in the challenging role of director of a board, members need to: make quantitative and qualitative decisions and put personal preferences and circumstances aside; Educate themselves as it pertains to the guiding documents and laws applicable to the association, decisions, and motions; be reasoned in their positions, and protect the unity of the board by being a team player at all times.

Human Resources

The Board of Directors may not always be able to accomplish its objectives without help, that’s why the board is both able to function as Officers or appoint Officers as permissible by the governing documents and establish committees.

Officers Article 3.2

Officers are elected no less than annually by the directors at the organizational meeting of the board and hold office at the pleasure of the board. Except for resignation or removal, officers hold office until their respective successors have been designated by the board. The principal Officers of the  Association are; President, Vice president, Secretary, and Treasurer. The board can also appoint as many Vice presidents and assistant officers as its operations require.

Committees Article 2.9.1

The board from time to time may appoint committees by resolution. There are two types of committees. Ad hoc committees which are task-oriented and disbanded when the task is complete and Standing committees which are function oriented and remain in force indefinitely.

The duties and authority of committees vary by function and must be clearly articulated by the board of directors.

Association Board Rules

Article 2:

Description: The Board of Directors leads the association in all regards necessary to fulfill its mission.

Functions: As conduits for the Association, the Directors collectively have the power and duties necessary to administer the affairs of the Association and for the operation and maintenance of the Property as may be required or permitted by the Governing Documents and applicable law.  

Number of Directors:

The board will consist of three (3)persons. The number can be changed by amendment of the Bylaws but may be less than three.


Each director serves 2-year terms. Terms are staggered to prevent en masse elections

General Qualifications Directors & Officers

2.3 -The following qualifications may be waived or modified on an election by election basis only if an insufficient number of qualified candidates are available.

2.3.1 – A majority must be members, spouses of members of the association, or residents of the property

2.3.3 – Co-owners may not serve on board at the same time.

2.3.4 – Delinquency: No person may be elected or appointed as a director if any assessment if more than 30 days delinquent.

2.3.5 – Violations: No person may be elected or appointed as a director if any violation remains uncured.

2.3.6. – Litigation: No person may be elected or appointed as a director if the person is a party adverse to the Association, the board, or a committee of the Association in pending litigation to which the Association, board, or committee is a party.